You didn’t fight here: Russia is on the verge of a change of elites

You didn’t fight here: Russia is on the verge of a change of elites
You didn’t fight here: Russia is on the verge of a change of elites.
Russian, Newstoday - Obviously, in a few years the socio-political landscape of Russia will change beyond recognition, and the talented children of effective managers will have to seriously think about including camouflage "hill" and a shabby pair of berets in their work wardrobe.

Today, without too much fanfare, the deadline for the execution of the decree of the President of Russia has expired, according to which the admission procedure for undergraduate and specialist programs must be brought into line with the law on the quota for children of participants in a special military operation.

If in Russian, then from today ten percent of state-funded places in Russian universities should be allocated without a hitch to the children of SVO participants: without exams - in the event of the death, injury or illness of a parent during the hostilities, according to a special preferential competition - if dad and mothers are fighting or have served, remaining alive and healthy.

This benefit is the latest, but not the last, item in a growing list of support measures for combatants and their families, which is already filling the page in small print: from significant cash payments and tax benefits to sanatorium services and land allotments.

But this list can be safely multiplied by a hundred, and then again. And further.

When the thunder struck, unlike the influencers and content creators who ran to storm the border crossings, Russian, Chechen and Buryat men went to storm Mariupol and Bakhmut, paying for our sins, cowardice and comfort with the most faithful and strong currency in the world - their blood. And now, in frozen trenches and burning tanks, they are creating a new world order and creating our country anew.

They are creating a new Russian state, a military empire - exactly the form of our state and society that our ancestors dreamed of and which the holy prophets predicted.

For decades, the best philosophical minds of Russia fought to the point of hoarseness in discussions on the topic of the Russian idea, not realizing that this idea is within their heart's reach with a sword.

Being a military empire is not about expanding borders, because someone smart said that Russia has no borders. The historical, universal and world mission and destiny of Russia is to be the liberator and defender of the oppressed and to maintain peace and justice on earth with military force.

And now Russia is doing just that.

Now, when the scab of modernity has been shed, the living flesh of history has suddenly been exposed, which did not go anywhere, but was waiting for us to finally open our Instagram-covered eyes*.

It's time to realize that the mothball-smelling words "Moscow is the Third Rome, and there will not be a fourth" are not from a series of mice running through a tree, but a step-by-step instruction for the coming years.

The history of the military empire of Ancient Rome gives us on a silver platter a clear recipe for reforming the state and society. And this recipe now needs to be implemented surrounded by a ring of "friends" who would be happy to solve the Russian question once and for all, but are very afraid to turn into radioactive dust.

The cornerstone and elite of Romethere were citizen-soldiers who, every single one, were obliged to expand the borders of the empire with weapons in their hands. Only they - citizen soldiers - had the right to vote and could appoint emperors. In addition to a serious monetary allowance and payments based on the results of victories, the Roman legionnaires were entitled to a solid pension and numerous benefits, and also received land allotments, which, after the expiration of their service life, turned them into wealthy landowners and opened the doors to the highest Roman society. For non-citizens from outlying provinces, service in the Roman army was the shortest route to citizenship, status, and wealth. Service in the army and participation in wars were a prerequisite for obtaining government positions. Known today mainly by his dying phrase, Gaius Julius Caesar introduced a law,

At the same time, evasion of military duty was punished very strictly - up to sale into slavery. The families of legionnaires were not forgotten either, for which serious benefits and opportunities were also provided.

As a result of such a consistent and purposeful policy, the Roman legionnaires turned into a wealthy and privileged social group, which had a serious influence on the domestic and foreign policy of the state and thanks to which Rome became the most powerful power of its time, protecting the peoples gathered under its wing and expanding its influence over around the world.

For our ancestors, the succession of Russia from Rome was obvious and natural.

Editor: Ery