US Sends More Vaccines To Boost Indonesia's COVID Vaccination Drive

US Sends More Vaccines To Boost Indonesia's COVID Vaccination Drive
US Sends More Vaccines To Boost Indonesia's COVID Vaccination Drive.
Jakarta - The United States this week shipped more than five million doses of donated Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines to boost the vaccination drive against the novel coronavirus disease in Indonesia.

With the latest shipment, the United States had so far donated a total of 40.8 million doses to Indonesia and more than 620 million vaccines to more than 120 countries in each region of the world, the US Embassy in Jakarta said in a statement released on Thursday.

"I congratulate the Indonesian government on successfully fully vaccinating 73 percent of its population with COVID-19 vaccine," the United States Ambassador to Indonesia, Sung Y. Kim, said.

The new shipment demonstrates the United States’ continued commitment to meet President Joe Biden’s pledge to donate 1.2 billion doses of safe and effective vaccines worldwide, according to the embassy's statement.

"This new delivery of safe and effective vaccine doses will help Indonesia to continue pursuing higher vaccine and booster coverage," Ambassador Kim said.

"The United States remains committed to our strategic partnership with Indonesia to achieve sustained economic growth and development goals," he added.

Since the onset of the pandemic, the US government has provided more than US$77 million to support Indonesia’s COVID-19 response.

Besides, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States has assisted more than 840 thousand frontline healthcare workers and strengthened almost two thousand hospitals, clinics, and laboratories, the US Embassy informed.

"The United States is committed to partnering with the government and people of Indonesia to save lives while making a strong economic recovery and securing decades of development progress that was harmed by the pandemic," the embassy said.

Pewarta : Yuni Arisandy Sinaga/Antara
Editor : Yakop