Health Minister Highlights That Many Indonesians Lack Vitamin D

Health Minister Highlights That Many Indonesians Lack Vitamin D
Health Minister Highlights That Many Indonesians Lack Vitamin D.
Jakarta - Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that there are still many people in Indonesia that experience vitamin D deficiency and remind the public to actively exercise and expose themselves to sunlight to avoid the condition.

There were many elderly people in Indonesia that experienced vitamin D deficiency even though it was necessary to avoid bone loss, he noted after an event in commemoration of National Osteoporosis Day here, Sunday.

"There are many Indonesians that, surprisingly, even though sunlight is abundant, experience vitamin D deficiency, which leads them to experience osteoporosis," he remarked.

Osteoporosis is a condition wherein the body has a low bone mass accompanied with declining bone tissue quality which can cause bone fragility.

This condition can be experienced by all individuals, both children and adults. However, osteoporosis occurs more frequently toward women who enter the menopause period.

Vitamin D plays a role in maintaining calcium and phosphor that can maintain bone density.

As a result, deficiency of vitamin D leads to deficiency of these two minerals which can make bones to become more fragile and at risk of osteoporosis.

"To this end, exercise more frequently and do activities outdoor, specifically before nine o'clock in the morning," she noted.

The data from 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) shows that around 36,4 percent of males and 30,7 percent of females over the age of 10 lack physical activities.

During the occasion, Sadikin informed that a total of 26 Fomepizole drug vials to medicate atypical progressive acute kidney injury will brought into the country today.

Indonesia received 10 vials of Fomepizole drug from Singapore and 16 from Australia that will be directly delivered today from the two countries, he informed.

Oleh : Prisca T V, Fadhli Ruhman
Editor : Yakop